Hello everyone - my aplogies for not updating several of Roshan's Blogs , as I was in India & had major difficulty trying to do this. So you will see a number of his blogs , starting from the earliest he sent.... Roy ( Roshan's Dad)
Roshan's Blog:
Touring Kazakhstan as a volunteer during the summer is great. You vacation while you work and in the end Peace Corps views your travel as work so no vacation days are counted against you. There’s a Peace Corps rule that states you need to spend at least 30 days at your site during the 3 months of summer. Initially, I thought this would be no sweat. As of now, even after leading a summer camp at my site, I will barely make the 30 day summer quota. This wasn’t intended but so many opportunities to travel and work presented themselves in the forms of summer camps and projects that I could not let them slip by. Serving in a village, I dedicated my time to opportunities in Kazakhstan’s cities. Thus far, I have visited TaldyKalgan, Almaty, Karaganda, Kokshetau, and Petropovolisk this summer. A couple of villages have entertained me as well but I will remember the cities for I missed the city rush after the cow and sheep traffic of my village. The pics are from more good times in Petropovolisk where I played the role of a Russian-English translator at a history museum for about a week.
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