The holiday season is in full swing here in Northern Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan’s Independence Day (December 16th), New Year’s, and Russian Christmas (January 7th) energize the solemn winter with numerous social activities. I’ve been enjoying social occasions with the locals. Conversations are becoming longer as my Russian gets better. Just the other day, I had about an hour long conversation with Vladimir, the school's night watchman, about his present views on Kazakhstan and his outlook on its future. Many breaks and pauses in the conversation but we were able to communicate 'seriously' for some time. This social solidarity goes far in cheering one up in the sometimes depressing climate.
Here, December 25th is a work day and I indeed worked. Teaching Christmas themed lessons cheered me up and put smiles on the student’s faces. Students giggled their ‘Merry Christmas’ s and I even got some gifts :). Overall, it’s been memorable. It was great for after teaching, I watched and helped some fellow teachers and students build snow figures. It is a New Year’s tradition to construct snow figures outside the school. I had to stop after forty minutes for my hands were painfully cold and the locals laughed. Here in Lesnoye, New Year’s Day is when you give and receive presents and is taken much more festively than the Orthodox Christmas. Yes, I feel nostalgia thinking about the lighted palms in downtown San Jose or when I imagine swimming in my brother’s and sister-in-law’s heated swimming pool in San Diego. Nonetheless, loving life over here! Merry Christmas!
Sounds like you're having a great time over there. Keep updating us with all the new details. Nice to see that you are an accomplished hunter, that was a cool picture. Stay warm, enjoy the new year, and God bless.