Thursday, July 16, 2009

Peace Corps Invitation Timeline

Waiting for an invitation is fairly lengthy process. Here's my invitation timeline:

September 2008: Attended Peace Corps general information meetings

October 2008: Submitted my online application (took about one week to complete)

November 6th, 2008: Interviewed at Oakland PC office by recruiter

November 10th, 2008: Nominated by recruiter who did interview

November 13th, 2008: Recieved loads of paperwork (Medical, Dental, Legal)

December 20th, 2008: Mailed all my paperwork to Washington DC (Very busy at
dental and medical offices during these times)

March 7th, 2009: Medically and legally cleared by PC (Yes, they are meticulous about the
paperwork, so be detailed before sending it in to Washington DC)

March 9th, 2009: Received invitation packet to serve as an educator in Kazakhstan
(I had to request the Placement Officer to look over my file asap because
of my then present teaching job. He was nice enough to do it. Normally, an
invitation can take up to two months to be offered after being medically and
legally cleared)

March 11th, 2009: Accepted invitation to Kazakhstan

July 10th, 2009: Received dental clearance from PC

August 18th, 2009: Depart for service to Kazakhstan


  1. Found your blog on I'm a current OCAP Kaz 20 serving in the south. Enjoy your last weeks left in the States! Look forward to meeting you soon.

  2. Hi Roshan,

    great to see your shots. I hope you are having a great time. Now Vietnam PM is visitng Kazak.

    I have sent your blog to your fan club in my office.davy

    Stay safe,
